Indonezijski Gong svjetskog mira u VukovaruD. Žubrinić, 2019. ![]() Sloboda sveta
![]() Ante Sardelić Kraljević (desno), hrvatski slikar u Kanadi, rodom iz Blata na otoku Korčuli. Lijevo su gosti iz Indonezije. Glagoljica na vukovarskom gongu U Vukovaru je svečano otkriven Gong svjetskoga mira
čime je Vukovar postao jedan od gradova svjetskog mira, bogatiji za
monumentalni i prepoznatljivi spomenik koji simbolizira mir, ljubav i
prijateljstvo među narodima. Gong je dar Svjetskog odbora za mir i
Republike Indonezije. Umjetnički je rad akademskoga kipara, slikala i grafičara Ante Sardelića Kraljevića
iz Kanade. U umjetničkoj instalaciji na velikim željeznim čipkama
nalaze se i natpisi pisani uglatom glagoljicom. Tako iznad gonga piše
PLAMEN SLOBODE, VJEČNA DOMOVINA i HIMNA DOMOVINI. Vukovarski je gong jedini u Hrvatskoj, a Hrvatska je 50. zemlja u svijetu koja je dobila gong. U Europi gong imaju svega Milan Paun The date draws closer for the installation of the World Peace Gong in the Croatian city of Vukovar. Symbolising peace, love and the future, the WPG has been installed in only 18 locations across the world in memory of the innocent victims of war. The original WPG was cast in Jepara, Indonesia as a monument to peace, tolerance and cooperation among nations before being taken around the world. Vukovar suffered greatly during the war of independence, it is estimated that 2,000 defenders of Vukovar and civilians were killed, 800 went missing and 22,000 civilians were forced into exile. According to some, “the damage to Vukovar during the siege has been called the worst in Europe since World War II, drawing comparisons with the World War II–era Stalingrad.” World Peace Gong For many years, CEFRANK founder Mr Frank Cetinich has been involved in the World Peace Gong Committee. He has campaigned to get a World Peace Gong installed in the war-torn town of Vukovar. As the digital publication reported (translated), “Indonesian Ambassador to Croatia Agus Sardjana this year in Vukovar will be a monument to World Peace Gong . Sardjan is announced during today’s visit Vukovar when he pointed out that Vukovar proper place for such a monumental and distinctive monument works of unfortunate events and recent wartime past.” Symbolising peace, love and the future, the WPG has been installed in only 18 locations across the world in memory of the innocent victims of war. The original WPG was cast in Jepara, Indonesia as a monument to peace, tolerance and cooperation among nations before being taken around the world. “WPC President Djuyoto Suntani came up with the idea to make WPG duplicates that are to be erected permanently in various notable locations around the world. The first duplicate of this WPG as the noble symbol of unity was first set up permanently in Penglai-Shandong-China. On August 20th 2004, the R.O.C government in cooperation with United Nation’s UNESCO officials inaugurated the Grand Monument of World Peace Gong in the beautiful city park of Penglai, across the legendary 8 Perpetual Gods Statue, by the Yellow River. Thousands of world prominent figures were present at the inauguration ceremony.” WPG The flags represent each independent country with the white flower on the inner circle meaning “beauty, prosperity and harmony. Their positions on the left and right ends of each inscription translate to balance in the unity.” The very inner circle contains the symbols of all the major world religions (Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Sikhism, Shinto, and Bali-Hinduism) and the planet Earth in the centre is to remind us that we’re all born from the same descendants, walk the same earth and breath the same air. “As one enormous family it is imperative that we all should live side by side peacefully, respectfully, helpful to each other and cooperatively in order to sustain and care for mother earth.” With a message of peace and harmony despite differences of faith and culture, Mr Frank Cetinich supports the WPG as a gesture of faith in the human spirit and the dream of unity. He looks forward to the gong coming to Vukovar and believes it will serve as a symbol of moving forward and hopes for a peaceful future for Croatia. Source