The former bringing of the difficulties in the research of actual losses of the population of Yugoslavia, which existed due to organized concealing of existing documentation, as of deliberate production of false estimates of the growth-rate of the population through the war period (from 1940 to 1946), in which the state statistical bureau was not in the position - due to the war situation - to research and register the number of people through that period, it was important to find out how and why this was done and conclude why this has continued even today with the same methods. After all these exaggerations with the estimates of killed Serbs in Jasenovac that were used to help ignite the nationalistic hatred and bring to new tragedies, for which the ones held responsible should answer, they are producing new deceptions and lies, in order to take down the responsibility for what had been done in the new war against Croatia in 1991-1995.

Dr. Milan Bulajic is in action again, the head actionman and organizer of all previous - in the scientific and professional circles - unacceptable misdeeds, in order to show the whole world with the Internet who is wrong and who is fault "for everything that had happened, and misdeeds continue, because the ustasha government has continued to exist also after 1945, and especially after the proclamation of the independence and autonomy of the Republic of Croatia in 1990." In my work I was never driven with political motives, but only with material proofs and their professional analysis. For Dr. Bulajic his political motive is his guiding star, which of course makes the constructive discussion and argumentation impossible. For example every of the seven texts that I downloaded and printed from the Internet contains several different numerical information, that don't have anything to do with one another, so it is impossible to give an appropriate comment about them.

However on the Internet under the title "Photographs from the archives of the International Red Cross organization in Geneva" 5 Dr. Bulajic cites losses for B&H from my 1989 book as altogether 316 thousand, for which he claims to be too small, since according to the information of the Presidential republic conference of the Socialist Association of Workers from May 1989 the overall number of victims for that republic is 453,877. How could the more exact data be established in 1989 and not in 1964 after the census, when for B&H it was established that there were 177,045 losses without the collaborators? Where were 1,013 places of execution, when it is known that the battles took place for settlements? How is it known that for 685 unlocated places of "execution" it is known how many people were killed? Since there is no information about Foca, while it is known that chetniks in Foca killed 3.495 Muslims (see Dedijer - Prilozi za Biografiju Tita, p 560 and Lexicon NOR. Dedijer on p 548 cites genocide of chetniks over Muslims on territories of Pljevlja, Cajnik and Foca in which 1,200 fighters and 8,000 civilians where killed). On the same page Dr. Bulajic writes that on "the scientific meeting at Jasenovac, i.e. in 1991, it was learnt that the difference between the estimated population of Yugoslavia and the number obtained in the census totalled 2,067,135 persons.The report included an information of vital importance: "The census really covered 597 thousand victims of war killed." This means that the census covered about 27% of the estimated population loss in World War II. If we assume that 500,000 Germans and about 100,000 Yugoslav and Italians emigrated from Yugoslavia during and immediately after the war, the resulting figure of direct war losses is 1,467,000. If we assume again that 300-350,000 died in refugee camps, from famine and various diseases, that 50,000 quislings were killed, and that there was no one to supply data on the Jews and especially the Gypsies (about 40,000), then it can be concluded that the "census really covered 597,000 victims of war killed, i.e. 56-59% of those who should have been covered by it." To this figure of 56-59% actually covered by the census in 1964 one comes if from the amount of 1.467.000 one extracts 300-350 thousand refugees, 50 thousand quislings and 40 thousand Jews and Romanies, altogether 390-440 thousand and one gets 1,077,000 or 1,027,000 actual victims of war. It is interesting to mention that according to my accounts the real losses of lives equal exactly this figure of 1,027,000!

However, this is the wrong calculation, since the died in the camps, as the killed Jews and Romanys, enter the number of actual victims of war. Instead of that one should calculate the decrease of birth-rate, due to the war situation, which occur due to the separation of family (on the battleground, as prisoners of war, in hard labor), and the increase of the death-rate due to shortage of medications and food, and professional medical help. Such losses, that did not occur at the battleground or due to terror in the camps, ditches and prisons, are estimated for our situation during WWII between 300 and 400 thousand. In my calculation they amount to 330 thousand.

The figure of 597 thousand refers only to the losses of fighters and victims of fascist terror, which I increased for 33% due to deficiencies in the census and came up with the figure of 800 thousand. To that figure one should add the number of quislings and collaborators of about 200 thousand, so one gets the number of about a million actual war losses. However, to the figure of a million of war losses, apart from this method, Kocovic and me came down to it by calculation by statistical method and by using the proportionate growth-rate of 1.2% annually for the period from 1941 to 1948, and not the enormously high ones as that used by Vogelnik: 1.85 to 2.13%.

However, one can ask the question why Dr. Bulajic doesn't take into his account the figures of 1,750,000 to 2,000,000 demographical losses, on which he thanked Dr. Grupkovic, the director of The Federal Institute of Statistics, during his discussion at the "round table" in 1990, because otherwise "the meeting would come down only story good wishes!" That's because the figure of 2,067,000 of an anonymous participant from the meeting in Jasenovac in 1991 suits him more, since it is higher for 200,000 than the middle figure of Dr. Grupkovic of 1,875,000!! One should also ask the question to Dr. Bulajic why my calculation of actual losses of prewar Yugoslavia of 1,027,000 is a crime, since I decreased the registered losses for 700 thousand, and the calculation of Dr. Kocovic, who calculated 1,014,000 actual losses he calls a "relevant study", which I should have read before I began my calculations, and I who came across it in 1987 because it was published in London in 1985 and wasn't on sale in Yugoslavia! I calculated the losses of Serbs to be 530 thousand, and Kocovic 487! My account of Serb losses in NDH was 322 thousand, but its only logical that all weren't killed in the camp Jasenovac, when civil war was fought for 4 years and certain places were being conquered for 3-5 times during the war. For example in the well-known largest offensive on the territory of Kozara, which covered 7 countries in 1942 and lasted for 3 months, there were 70-80 thousand people in the circle, of which, according to the information of the National park Kozara, 9,922 fighters and 33,398 victims were killed! Included in that number are 11,219 children! In my accounts, published in my books of 1989 and 1992 in Appendixes II.2.1 to 8.1. I mention for each district or county 2 to 4 sources-monographs, among which, for example for the counties-districts that had a majority Serbian population - Gracac, D. Lapac, Vojnic, Vrginmost and other, always took into calculation those that showed largest losses. That is why I never received any critics from the side of Serbs, apart from Dr. Bulajic! That is why I deliberately take into calculation larger losses of Serbs, so that it is even possible that the number of 50,000 Serbs killed in Jasenovac is actually lower than I established! I thought before, and I still do today, that it is more human to present a somewhat higher than lower loss.

However, to claim, as Dr. Bulajic and Dr. Zivanovic do, on basis of 284 skeletons from 7 graves, that in Jasenovac 700 thousand people were killed deserves to be condemned, just like the calculated 1,110,929 according to Dr. Radomir Bulatovic, in edition of Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1990 who counted 9 skeletons per square meter of the total grave field, instead of only the graves, for which the anthropological commission, that undertook excavations 22 to 27 June 1964 said "that there are about 200 graves, on some places even couple of kilometers one from another"! Dr. Bulajic never attacked Dr. Bulatovic because of his method of calculation or the acquired result! A million more losses is fine, but if Dr. Franjo Tudjman says for Jasenovac that he is of opinion that in Jasenovac about 30 thousand Serbs had been killed, then that is the most terrible matter with which by means of Internet one should present it to all of the world (the figure of 20 thousand was never mentioned).

Dr. Bulajic in each of the 7 texts on the Internet gives different figures. In the text JASENOVAC - WHAT HAPPENED he writes: "Tudjman gives the exact figure of 28 thousand, but does not cite his source, while another, also "unqualified source" claims that into Jasenovac entered 1,128,457, and since that is not a round figure, it could also be an exact number!!" So, in Jasenovac could have been killed between 28 thousand and over a million of people? How can one compare this in a serious and professional manner? In the same article it says: "According to the Serbian Orthodox Church, not more, but certainly not less than 700 thousand victims are buried in Jasenovac called "the largest Serbian underground city"! And Dr. Rajko Djuric, president of the World Congress of Romanies, claims "that in Jasenovac 80 thousand of Romanies were killed." My comment: according to the census of 1931 there were 14 thousand Romanies in Croatia, and in B&H only one! White Romanies were registered as Muslims. That is why there could not have been more Romanies killed than there were registered! He wrote further: "So far it has been established that information about the victims containing name and forename, place and birth date, that from April 1941 to May 1945 in the Nazi-ustasha Croatia 74,360 children were brutally killed: 54,723 Serbian, 6,171 Muslim, 5,541 Romany, 4,355 Croatian, 3,414 Jew, 59 Slovene. Numerous Romanies registered as Muslims, and a large number of them simply unregistered. The average age of the child victims was 7 years!!"

Such a production of figures without any consistency is infinite and cannot be described here, nor is there a way how it could be established if they were accounted for in any other way. How and where 54,723 Serbian children could have been killed at the average age of 7. At Kozara there were 11,319 registered (Belgrade newspaper BORBA "Registered Number of Death", special edition, February 1988). There is no other place where another case of a greater killing of children occurred. And if there was, then it certainly is part of a listing of individual monographs whose all numbers I included into the calculation according to individual counties and in overall figures for each republic.

How accountable could the publishing of the numerous unrelated figures be, one can conclude from the example of military actions and destruction of the Memorial Center and Museum Jasenovac, on which it writes under the title:



When the time for the implementation of the "Jasenovac myth" came, shortly after the publication of The Wastelands of Historic Reality and after the doctor of historical sciences Franjo Tudjman became the leader of the Croatian Democratic Union and the president of the second independent state of Croatia, the memorial-grounds at Jasenovac became the object of outrage.


On 31 January 1992, at the proposal of the Yugoslav Presidency the Yugoslav Government submitted to the United Nations and other international organizations its Memorandum on the Crimes of Genocide in Croatia in 1991 and 1992 and the Outrages Committed against the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds:


"Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds is the resting place of the dead, but also a warning and a lesson to the living, a symbol of a tempest of all seasons and all people dedicated to freedom, justice and peace. This is the only monument in Europe epitomizing the struggle for peace and against fascism which has been subjected to ruthless outrages ever since World War II. In the light of the lasting Jasenovac messages, its historical place in the sufferings and struggle against fascism, and its eternal significance, particularly for the awareness and feelings of the Serbian people, Jews, Romany and others, we hereby notify with indignation that in 1991 the new Croatian government and its armed formations committed grave outrages against the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds by using force and in other manners. We take the liberty of bringing the following relevant facts to your attention:"


"The outrages against the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds, its facilities and sites, began before the armed conflicts. Among other things, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Religion of the Republic of Croatia first took a fascist-like decision to abolish officially the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds, and the Diet of the Republic of Croatia proclaimed the Lonjsko Polje Natural Park, of which Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds was to become a part. The Government of the Republic of Croatia failed to provide regular funds for the operation of memorial grounds in 1991. It was merely an introduction and announcement of what was to follow, especially since September 1991. By doing so, it attempted to erase the scene of the worst crime of genocide from the historical memory."


"Towards the end of September 1991 paramilitary formations of the Republic of Croatia forced entry into the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds and stayed there until October 8, 1991, when the area was liberated again. Before leaving, they mined and demolished the bridge over the river Sava joining together the two parts of the memorial-grounds. The area of the memorial-grounds was also laid bare and important testimonies about the genocide of 50 years ago were destroyed. The commission set up then by relevant authorities ascertained that Donja Gradina was hit with a large number of mortar shells whose impact made 34 craters. The bones unearthed by the shells led to the discovery of a hitherto unknown grave of Jasenovac victims. The destruction is worst on the left bank of the Sava, on the Croatian side. The building which housed the library, the depot with the museum material and the exhibition premises were demolished. Books, documents and other exhibits were destroyed or damaged, and a considerable part was taken away. The majority of some eight thousand of the most valuable museum exhibits was destroyed, damaged or taken away.'


"In response to this desecration the Jewish war veterans and survivors of the Jasenovac camp sent a message to the FMAC Congress held in Helsinki on October 20, 1991. Their message, among other things, said: "The Memorial-Grounds at Jasenovac, the execution-grounds of Jews, Serbs and Romany in World War II has been desecrated. The Memorial Museum with the documentation about the committed genocide has been devastated."


"On December 22, 1991, Croatian paramilitary armed formations, disregarding the previously concluded cease-fire and notification to the Croatian authorities that members of the preparatory group of the United Nations observers would be visiting the area, once again opened artillery fire from multi-barrelled rocket-launchers, guns and tanks on the Jasenovac Memorial-Grounds and its surroundings. The fire lasted several hours. On that occasion the Museum was badly damaged by shells and cemeteries at Donja Gradina, the biggest execution-grounds in the camp were bombed."


The outrages committed against the "largest Serbian underground town", the biggest ever execution-grounds, the memorial-grounds on the site of the ustasha death camp at Jasenovac took place at a time when the doctor of historical sciences Franjo Tudjman was the president of the second independent Croatian state and supreme commander of the Croatian armed forces. The shells brought to light unknown mass graves, destiny pointed with its finger at yet another proof disclaiming his "Jasenovac myth". All that this book says leaves no room for surprise because it is a deplorable confirmation that the ustasha clero-nationalism has not been fully uprooted and the result of the failure to de-nazify the Independent State of Croatia which committed the crime of genocide against the Orthodox Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and the pro-Yugoslav Croats.


The question arises as to who should bear the responsibility for deceiving the world about the existence of the "Jasenovac myth"! The United Nations need to explain how could it happen that not even the registry of the UN Archives with the documentation about the Nazi camps in the occupied Europe in World War II (Auschwitz, Dachau and others) mentions the ustasha death camp at Jasenovac!"

In the text JASENOVAC - WHAT HAPPENED Dr. Milan Bulajic, director of the Museum of victims of genocide, writes, among other things: "Jasenovac, the most brutal system of Croatian ustasha camps of death was in function between August 1941 and 21 April 1945 and covered an area of 240 square kilometers." In May 1995, when Western Slavonija was seized again, Gradina was newly bombarded. And on August 4. 1995, when Krajina (Knin) was being taken. Gradina was shelled again. Finally on September 18-19, 1995, when the Croatian Army attacked the area spanning from Novi Grad to Gradiska, "Gradina was literally destroyed by thousands of grenades fired by Croatian artillery. Skulls, earth, tree-trunks were flying in the air and even screams could be heard. There lies an incredible world counting 365,000 dead. It is a true city of dead souls."

Dr. Bulajic further on quotes statements of the German generals about 200, 350, even 700 thousand killed in Jasenovac. Also, he mentions Dr. Ivo Omrcanin, who was an employee of The Ministry of Exterior Affairs of NDH from 1941 to 1945, - of whom I wrote critically in my book "Obsessions and Megalomania about Jasenovac and Bleiburg" - that stated publicly that the ustasha terror was only "Bolshevik propaganda". He repeats actions "which occurred at the end of September 1991 when the Croatian Army entered the Memorial center Jasenovac and the writing of the foreign journalists about Jasenovac in which they doubt were it the Serbs or the Croatians who took the exhibits, documents and the tools used for killing, since two armies were there, first the Serbian and then the Croatian. The peasants said it was done by the Serbs. Who ever sees the ruined Baroque church in the middle of a village assumes that Serbs had robbed the museum. It says that Pope Pius XII was completely aware of the existence of the camp in Jasenovac, as was the Archbishop Dr. Alojzije Stepinac. When the International commission visited Jasenovac the Catholic priest Miroslav Filipovic was the commanding head of the camp, and he was a merciless ustasha executioner." Lots of data are presented without any logic or chronological order, so there is no reason to mention them all here. And priest Miroslav Filipovic was excommunicated from the Catholic church when he got engaged in the ustasha movement.

Dr. Bulajic further writes: "After the secession from former Yugoslavia, the Jasenovac Memorial complex was divided between two sovereign entities - Republic of Croatia (Jasenovac was part of the Serbian occupied territory in Croatia, what was called "Krajina" by Serb occupators) and Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. The largest territory of the execution area (he refers probably to the graves of the buried) went under the control of the "Republic Srpska."

First of all, the sovereign territory of "Serbian Krajina" never existed, but was part of the territory of the Republic of Croatia, which the JNA (Yugoslav National Army) occupied 8 October 1991 and was later under the control of UNPROFOR until 1 May 1995 when the Croatian Army liberated the place Jasenovac and a part of the memorial area (on which lie the monument and the building of the museum) as part of the action "Flash". The other part lies over river Sava called Gradina, was and remains part of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina, which part is called Republika Srpska, as a constitutional part of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina, in accordance with the Dayton Agreement.

Written by Vladimir Zerjavic
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